Cultivating the organizational culture

Concept regarding the cultivation of the organizational culture

Kirin Group is aiming to be an organization with a high level of engagement that has an organizational culture in which employees voluntarily take on new challenges.
To achieve this, efforts are being made to deepen employee understanding and agreement with the Kirin Group’s vision and direction and to increase the feeling of pride as a member of Kirin Group. Also, in order to enable diverse human resources to fully realize their potential, it is necessary to cultivate a lively workplace and organizational culture. Efforts have begun to create an environment where employees can grow by voluntarily taking on new challenges without fearing the risks or potential failure. Also, as a foundation for taking on these new challenges, a workplace environment in which employees can work with good health and energy will also be created.

Major Initiatives for cultivating the organizational culture

Internal branding

Kirin Group announced the Long-term Management Vision “KV2027” in February 2019, and following the introduction of the new corporate philosophy, various measures have been implemented from 2019 to promote awareness of the corporate philosophy, vision and One KIRIN Values. Going forward, new measures will be considered based on the level of awareness at each group company. Also, further efforts will be made to deepen the understanding and agreement with Kirin Group’s vision and direction, and an environment will be created in which employees feel proud to be a part of Kirin Group.

Creation of the new internal website “KIRIN Now”

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the workstyle shifted from coming into to the office to working from a remote location. Given this change, the use of the paper-based group newsletter “KIRIN” to announce new information has been reviewed, and consideration is being given to implementing internal branding using the Internet. With the aim of making timely announcements of group information important for realizing KV2027 and promoting understanding among employees, the new internal website "KIRIN Now" is built as a platform for sharing management information among all group employees.
The website launched in June 2021 at the business companies in Japan, and it is planned to expand the website to include overseas companies from 2022.

Creation of the Kirin Group Award

As one of the initiatives for promoting further awareness of the Kirin Group’s vision and values, in addition to the awards presented by each company, the Kirin Group Award targeting all employees has been created as the top award within the group.
The award is given to symbolic initiatives that embody the vision and values of Kirin Group. In addition to creating an opportunity to celebrate the organizations and employees who receive this award, by broadly sharing good examples that embody the Kirin Group’s vision and values with all employees, efforts are being made to not only deepen real understanding and agreement with the vision and values but also to prompt employees to take on new challenges of their own in the future.

Holding “CSV experiences”

At Kirin Group, various “CSV experience” programs are being held to promote understanding of CSV among employees.
For example, Mercian held a vineyard training program at the Château Mercian Mariko Winery in October 2020 that was centered on a hands-on vineyard experience, lectures about and tour of the winery and interaction with members of the local community and government. A total of 38 people from the business companies in Japan participated in the program. In the questionnaire after the program, all of the participants responded “My understanding of CSV increased”, and their new understanding is also being shared within each business company.

Hataraki-Gai reforms

Kirin Group is working not only to revise the workstyles based on the recent changes in the business environment but also to revise the work itself as part of the Hataraki-Gai reforms. Kirin Group will realize sustainable growth of both the group and employees by increasing productivity, creativity and personal enhancement through increased satisfaction at work. This will be achieved by continuing to revise the meaning and purpose of the work itself (What) in addition to the workstyles (How).
At the same time, the necessary environment for realizing this is also being prepared, including redefining and enhancing the “workplace options”, “systems and IT tools”, “programs for the workstyles” and “new communication styles”.

Health and Productivity Management

As a company that delivers “health and well-being” to customers, Kirin Group is actively promoting employee health and creating opportunities and an environment in which all employees can work with a bright spirit and good energy. In addition to the current health and safety activities (regular medical check-up, stress check, measures to prevent negative health impacts of long working hours, etc.), Kirin Group is also utilizing its strength in the “Health Science domain” to conduct even more far-reaching activities.

  • Health and productivity