"Kirin Group CSV Purpose" as a Responsible Alcohol Producer. Kirin Holdings and Lion publish "Simple Guide to Responsible Drinking" on their websites

  • CSV

March 29, 2019

Kirin Holdings Company, Limited

As its long-term, non-financial goals in its Long-Term Management Vision, “Kirin Group Vision 2027 (KV2027)”, Kirin Holdings Company, Limited (President and CEO, Yoshinori Isozaki) has established new guidelines for creating shared value with society and promoting sustainable growth, known as the “Kirin Group CSV Purpose (CSV Purpose)”. To fulfill part of that CSV Purpose, namely as “a responsible alcohol producer”, it has prepared a “Simple Guide to Responsible Drinking”, a program that teaches the correct way to get along with alcohol. This Guide was published on the Kirin Holdings website in Japanese and English versions in December 2018. The Guide was also published on the Lion website in February this year, and it will be published on the website of Myanmar Brewery later this year. Kirin Holdings will now use the “Simple Guide to Responsible Drinking” to raise awareness both in Japan and other countries about responsible drinking and drinking etiquette in ways that suit the challenges of individual communities.

The Kirin Group has placed CSV* at the core of its management to achieve sustainable growth together with society. As “a responsible alcohol producer,” the Kirin Group is addressing the three priority CSV themes of “health and well-being,” “community engagement,” and “the environment” through its business. In the business environment surrounding the Kirin Group, expectations of companies to solve social problems, such as health problems caused by harmful use of alcohol, have increased sharply, and responding to those expectations has become a matter of great urgency. The “Simple Guide to Responsible Drinking” is an educational program about excessive drinking, which causes the risk of lifestyle-related diseases and other health problems, as well as underage drinking and women’s drinking. It is structured as short, easy to understand lessons on important points regarding the risks and benefits of alcohol and the appropriate way of drinking to suit one’s own physical condition.

The Kirin Group will make steady progress toward eradicating the harmful use of alcohol in all countries of operation (Zero Harmful Drinking), so that the culture of enjoying alcoholic beverages can be passed down to the next generation.

  • Creating Shared Value

Lion Pty Ltd

By fulfilling its duty as “a responsible alcohol producer” and addressing the social issues of “health and well-being,” “community engagement,” and “the environment,” the Kirin Group will help create a prosperous society and bright future for our customers.

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